Tag Archives: Easter

Things I Love Thursday

9 Apr

Once upon a time a young woman, Becky, had the misconception that by creating a once-weekly blog post, she would be forced to overcome her procrastination and get things done in a timely manner.  She thought that by creating a routine, she would gain some self-discipline.  She was wrong. Very very wrong.  In fact, once she even went 2 whole weeks without a post of any kind!  She was not a very good blogger, friends.

Ok, so I’ve been a little busy and maayyybbee a little lazy at times too.  I promise I’ll do better?  Well, now that that’s out of the way, onto the things I love:

  • Katie & Clint’s engagement pictures (I’d share the whole album with you but I don’t know that our happy little couple wants me posting their kissy pics all over the internet for the world to see.  I’ll leave that kind of sharing in their hands).
  • Springtime in Nashville.  It’s seriously so perfect here right now (not today in particular).  This past week has given us temperatures in the 80’s, beautifully sunny skies, and the most amazing colors everywhere.  I love it here this time of year.  Everything is just so alive and vibrant.
  • Butch Walker at The Ryman last Friday night.  I’ve always wanted to see him at such a venue.  His performance was great, as usual, but since 92% of the crowd was there to see Train (and 50% of that crowd was under the age of 13 or over the age of 50) the audience didn’t really show him the lovin he deserves.  And, due to the aforementioned crowd statistics, Butch definitely did some censoring.  His performance was great, but I can’t wait to someday see him pack the place with HIS fans who will stand and sing like they do.
  • STILL getting visited by the Easter Bunny at the age of 25.  Yes, that’s right, I still have a basket full of goodies on Easter morning and I happen to adore it.  Who outgrows candy and gifts?  Right. (And in addition the Reese’s Eggs they have out for Easter.  My absolute favorite Easter Candy! They’re so much better than regular Reese’s cups)
  • This adorable idea for a desk/workspace.  So precious.
  • Last Thursday being designated my “Doctor Day”;  They day in which I get all dreaded and necessary doctor visits out of the way.  I find it easier to combine the annoying visits into one day and get them all over with at once.  Done.  I can relax for a year (or until I get sick, I guess).
  • This picture of my sweet little nieces that now has a home on my work desk to make my days better…

And on a much sadder note (sorry in advance for breaking the happy & loving vibe):  The “Biscuit lady”, Carol Fay Ellison, of the Loveless Cafe passed away this week.  Apparently she had been in the hospital for 3 weeks with an undisclosed illness and didn’t make it.  As a frequent visitor to Loveless myself, I saw her often when stopping in.  She was always walking around talking to people, taking pictures, etc.  She was the face of Loveless and aided in the fame of the cafe.  I know everyone is saddened by her loss.  Here’s a little more information on Ms. Carol Fey.