Tag Archives: free gift

The BENEFIT of Frequent Shopping

21 Jul

As many of you know, I have a makeup addiction (or obsession, whatever).  Because Sephora is a beauty addict’s dealer of choice, I obviously spend a good bit of time and waaayyy too much money in there.  I’ve mentioned their Beauty Insider program once before, but I feel compelled to share again.

With every dollar spent in Sephora you accumulate points.  Once you get to certain point levels you have the option to take whatever free gift they have at the time.  They have point breaks at 1oo and 500 points.  You can pass up the 100 point perk and wait for your 500.  You could get both.  Whatever moves you.  I’ve been hovering above the 500 point range for a little while now because I wasn’t quite sold on the gifts and wanted to wait for something I’d enjoy more.  So the last time I stopped in and made a purchase, the kind lady checking me out informed me that I was at 700(ish) points and directed me to the example of the current 500 point perk.  It was a Benefit Cosmetics sampling.  I got it.

Here it is.

I love Benefit products and have used a ton of them over the years (bronzers, blushes, highlighters, glosses, mascaras, eyeliners, perfume… you name it).  And even though I had already tried and approved most of the products that came with the gift, I still went for it.  It was too cute to pass up (which is also a weakness of mine when shopping- the overly adorableness of packaging).

Here’s a few of the products in it:

Mini Full Finish Lipstick in “lady’s choice”.  I’ve never tried this product until just now (as I’m typically more of a gloss girl).  I’m not sure that the color is right for me but it goes on super smoothly and seems to be non-drying.

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Mini BADgal Lash Mascara & BADgal Plum (eye color intensifying) Mascara.  I’ve not tried the Plum yet but I love the original BADgal Lash.

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Mini Creaseless Cream/Shadow Liner in “r.s.v.p.”  I’ve actually purchased this product in the exact same color before and love it. Pretty light color, no creases, lasts forever.

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Not Pictured:

Stay Don’t Stray– A primer for the eye area (including both eyeshadow and concealers).  Haven’t tried it yet, but I’m sure it’s as fabulous as the rest.

Posie Tint
– A lip and cheek stain.  I’ve used this product in this color (and the Bene-Tint color as well).  I use it mainly for my lips.  It’s great to put it on in the morning and forget about it.  You can apply a clear gloss or chapstick to keep lips hydrated, but the color from the stain lasts for hours.  Helpful hint; use a toothbrush to exfoliate lis before applying so that the color isn’t cling to flaky lips. Gross.

They change out the reward products fairly often and you can usually score some pretty awesome deals this way.  If you shop Sephora and haven’t signed up, you’re missing out.  You might as well get rewarded for you reckless spending, right?