Tag Archives: registry

My name is Becky…

17 Dec

… and I’m a gloss-aholic. 


I needed it.

Last weekend I took some time to browse through one of my favorite stores, Sephora.   And, ok, by “some time” I clearly mean at least 45 minutes to an hour.   I’m a total kid in a candy store in that place (well, we can just say It’s my make-up version of a candy store, because let’s face it… I AM the kid in a candy store).  It’s a total makeup oasis that I never want to escape.  As I made my way around all of the colorful, fun, beautiful, and irritatingly-well-packaged beauty products, I somehow found my way to a cute little set of Smashbox lip glosses.  I love their gloss, and this set happened to contain 2 full-sized and 4 smaller-sized glosses for only $29 (one full-sized gloss is $18).  See how great of a deal this was, people?!  How could I pass this up??  They even donated $1 of every sale to the Children’s Miracle Network, sold!  What’s the problem, you ask?  Well, in order to make room for these new treasures in my purse, I had to clean out an embarrassing 9 other lip products.  Yes people, I have a problem.  There.  Done.  Step 1 complete.  And, although 9 might seem like a ridiculous amount of lip product to have on me at all times, this is actually what I convinced myself to narrow down from at least 20something choices. (and as you can see from the old twitpic, this problem isn’t a recent development). 

So, what’s step 2?  Someone let me know. 

For all those other beauty-bingers like myself, I strongly recommend that you sign up for Sephora’s Beauty Insider.  It’s completely free to do, and by spending money you accumulate points which eventually lead to free gifts.  And who doesn’t like free (even if it does come at the expense of far too many beauty splurges) stuff?  Do it now. 

(Like the beauty gods themselves calling out to me, as I’m writing this blog to you, I received and email from Sephora offering me $15 off anything in the store.  They love me, they really love me.) 

And what’s that?  There’s more?  Yes, my friends.  For all of you unmarried, single women without children, who also wish to be doted upon but have never been ruled worthy by our marriage-and-baby-loving world… Sephora offers a registry for any occasion you can dream up.  Another reason I love this place.  Just because I don’t have a husband doesn’t mean I don’t need (or in the case of makeup, want) things!  Thank you Sephora, for acknowledging me.  A+